Halfbakery Book (with Pictures!)

For those unfamiliar with Halfbakery.com,
it's a website featuring half-baked inventions
and concepts from anyone that creates an account.
While the ideas don't have to be well thought
out, not even a little, with so many authors
and posts the effect is something like monkeys
at typewriters. So there really is a huge
range of ideas from the sublime
to the ridiculous
(and some many which are both).
In fact, I usually consult halfbakery.com
before I post anything on They should…, and
if I had a company I'd scour the site daily
for the next big thing, because I'm sure it's
on there. The site is pretty much perfect,
except for the total lack of pictures and there
are so many ideas and categories it's a little
daunting to even casually browse. They should
really make a Halfbakery
book with pictures of the highest rated inventions
as well as some underappreciated editor's
picks. Given the talent
for making "fake" products that's
out there, they could easily hire designers
to create mock-ups of all the inventions.
I could totally see a book like this being
on par with the popularity of something like
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook.